Friday, February 22, 2013

Loan Approved

Welcome back.

So, the last four months have been painstakingly slow as we waited on the bank to approve our loan.  We truthfully have no been happy with how long this has taken, but we finally got approved for the loan yesterday.  We still have to close on it and there are numerous steps before we can build, but we're chugging along.

Becky and I are super excited to start building.  We have a ton of ideas to make our house incredibly unique and twisted.  For those of you following or just checking in, we are not your typical American couple who like things neutral browns and yellows.  Please keep checking back once we start building and decorating as you will see things ranging from the geeky, horror-themed, bold colors and everything in between.

I'm hoping we can be done building with some time left in the summer to allow us plenty of time to get in there and decorate to our liking.