Wednesday, September 26, 2012

More Land Clearing

Just a few notes since things are slowing down a bit as forms get processed and whatnot.

- We plan on having our color selection meeting next Tuesday, October 2nd.

- 9ft or 8ft ceilings on the main floor?  I don't like space above my cabinets, but the higher ceilings would be great.

My dad and I have spent most of our free time clearing out the property.  There are so many freaking vines that is making the job way harder than it should be.  We have most everything cleared out and now we just need someone to haul the brush/logs away and level the land.  We pinned out the property line and where the house could go and everything looks great.  We should be able to keep the big tree in the front and I even had an idea of creating a turnaround/governors driveway.  I think it would add so much more class to the house, even if it's just gravel for now.  Thoughts?

The view from the back of the lot.

Looking pretttttyyyy prettttyyy pretty good.

1 comment:

  1. We were on the fence about 9' ceilings also. Then we went to Ashland to see a similar model that had the 9' ceilings. That made the decision. We're going to go that route. Nice to have the extra clearance for the rooms that will end up with ceiling fans. I'm over 6' tall and don't like getting whacked in the head if I'm not careful.

    Your lot is looking great. I'm really jealous that you have your own equipment to do that. I've got tons of Pine trees that need cleared and that is going to cost me tons of money or tons of labor (or both).
