Friday, February 22, 2013

Loan Approved

Welcome back.

So, the last four months have been painstakingly slow as we waited on the bank to approve our loan.  We truthfully have no been happy with how long this has taken, but we finally got approved for the loan yesterday.  We still have to close on it and there are numerous steps before we can build, but we're chugging along.

Becky and I are super excited to start building.  We have a ton of ideas to make our house incredibly unique and twisted.  For those of you following or just checking in, we are not your typical American couple who like things neutral browns and yellows.  Please keep checking back once we start building and decorating as you will see things ranging from the geeky, horror-themed, bold colors and everything in between.

I'm hoping we can be done building with some time left in the summer to allow us plenty of time to get in there and decorate to our liking.


  1. Your house sounds like it's going to be excellent. We have quite a few horror-themed elements in our home as well, so I can relate! Can't wait to see the pics. (We finished building and moved into our Jamestown in September 2012.)

  2. Jenny Lupe - Anything you would advise to keep an eye on or suggest when building with Wayne Homes? Like something you wish you had done or wish had not been done etc?

  3. I don't think there was anything significant we left out. A few more windows here and there or maybe a big bay window in the front would be nice. We are just making sure to stay on top of what WH is doing on site and reading through everything properly. They have been awesome, we we are still being cautious to ensure there aren't any corners cut. Things like quality of the carpet or fixtures weren't that important to us because we can always upgrade, but we made sure the block, piping, insulation, venting, etc. were all the best they could be. I think we're on the right track, keeping in mind that we can't spend a fortune on everything.

  4. The waiting is the worst!!! We signed everything with Wayne in July and because of bank issues and then weather during the winter, we just got our dig date for next Tuesday. Once you close on the loan, Wayne is able to move pretty quickly so, you're almost out of it! Good luck!

  5. Hey jd1ezal, sorry I didn't see your comment until now. I honestly can't think of anything that I would change about our house. The only thing that drives us nuts is the window at the top of the two-story foyer...we can't get up there to clean it, and there's no easy way to put a usable blind on the window (it's a standard window size) so we could have privacy on the second floor at night.
