Saturday, March 30, 2013

Footers Down / Block Delivered

Stupid me.  All I've wanted to do is update this blog when nothing was going on and now that everything is happening, I don't post.  Smooth.

So, on Wednesday, day two, a crew came to low the forms of the footers, and then then the cement was poured later in the day.  It has been so cold, wet and muddy on our property, that everything is a collasal mess, but we are still trucking along.  The crew that did the footers was Amish (in case that matters to anyone) and everything seemed to go well, so we'll see what happens!

Thursday, the block was delivered.

Friday, the company doing the electric came and put up a post for temporary electric that will be hooked up by our power company.  My dad and I spent the day putting more reclaimed asphalt on the driveway since it was getting really muddy and dug in.  Hopefully this helps the trucks and keep the road clean.

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