Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Electric / Cat6

Nothing much to update on.  The electrician did the rough wiring and is waiting on the cement to be completed before finishing everything else since it's been difficult working in the basement with uneven floors.

Before the drywall is completed, my dad and I are running our own wires throughout the house.  I am running three Cat6 lines to everywhere there will be TVs and to additional places I might need it.  I am also running speaker wire to each room, although I won't be installing speakers just yet.  My network tower will be centrally located in the basement and I got VERY lucky and bought a used $800 network cabinet for $12 at a local auction.  I am super stoked for it and it will make my life so much easier as far as home wiring goes.

DAY 51

Garage tamped down in preparation for the floor to be poured.

Recessed lighting installed in some rooms.

Electrical box.

We put a chase from the basement to the attic where all of our cable will run to and from.  Only a few Cat6 lines run at the moment.

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