Thursday, April 25, 2013

Framing 2 - First Floor Done, Second Started

Pittsburgh weather is literally the dumbest thing in the universe.

Everything is running smoothly, but I was hoping we would be a few days ahead of where we are at now.  Either way, the house is very real and looking great.  We haven't noticed any problems with the framing, but there are some things in the blueprints that they still need to do, such as putting metal brackets on certain beams.

The only thing we are a little bummed about is the powder room behind our kitchen.  It could have been reduced in size about a foot each way to make more room for a small coat/shoe nook.  It's a minor complaint and something we can change in the future, but it's a small pet peeve.

DAY 25

They put up two more walls and made a few more.  It rained all day, so they couldn't get much done.

DAY 29


Garage man door

 Looking from the kitchen into the main room

Basement and hallway

Where the french doors into the geek room will go

Looking from the sun room into the kitchen

A view from the back

Day 31

Yesterday, despite the awful weather, they made some progress and then worked a ton today.  The outside of the second floor is done and everything on the first floor looks great.

Inside the garage.  Four large 1'3/4" x 18' boards with a metal post for support

Trusses in the sun room

Main room enclosed.  It could use some more light, but we have some sick decorating plans

Front porch covered.

Looking huuuuuge

Side of the house.  Garage man door and side master bath window

1 comment:

  1. Coming along nicely JJ. Happy for you guys to see your progress. We should start framing late next week if things continue according to plan... which hasn't happened yet!
    Just updated my blog with a video if you want to check it out.
