Thursday, July 18, 2013

Counter Top

Last week our counter top was delivered and placed.  It looks great for a starter counter top and I'm very happy we were able to get a hard-surface material as opposed to laminate. 

DAY 108

A look into the kitchen as they were installing the top.

There was an initial problem with it.  It was cut wrong and there was a bump out in the corner.

This was how the pressed the two parts together.  Very weird.

Later in the day, I went back to check it out.  Everything was fixed and looking great.  You can also see the door handles my mom started working on.

We opted for the two inch backsplash instead of the four inch.

They ended up fixing the mishap and it looks perfect.  You also can't see the seam in the slightest.  Great work.


  1. Looking great! It’s good to see this big progress in your kitchen. I’m certain you were very happy to see this. The design statement of the kitchen looks sophisticated. The black and gray makes a great combination. Well done! @ Up and Above Contractors

  2. I really like the black cabinets. They really look sharp. Are you guys going a lot of the work yourself?
