Thursday, July 18, 2013

Electrical Work / Angry / Outside Black Painted

Hello all.  As far as construction goes, I am not really happy about our progress.  About a month and a half ago, Jace outlined the rest of our journey and had us in the house next Tuesday, July 23rd.  Now, I didn't expect that date to be exact, but I was hoping within a week of that date, give or take.  There are a few issues for the delay, but for the most part it is due to the electrician.  He and his crew are taking forever and it's delaying the also slow inspector from moving forward and not enabling the power company to put in permanent hook ups.  We can't get the carpet and vinyl in until the electric is on and we can't get the plumbing done until the flooring is in and we can't get the whole place cleaned and check for touchups until all of that other shit is done!!!  I don't see us getting this all done for another three weeks and that is incredibly frustrating.  In the grand scheme it's not a problem, but the way my fall schedule lines up, it would have been nice to be done before August.  We'll see.

DAY 113

The electrician was in a handful of days this week and just seemed to be moving insanely slowly.  There are still more things that need hooked up and I don't get why this step is taking so long.  The entire basement still needs done and there are hanging electrical lines in the basement that need placed SOMEWHERE and it's not done.  Jace will be hearing from us about our displeasure.

The stock lights Wayne Homes gave us aren't too bad, honestly!

They did set up the electrical box and everything seems nice and organized.

Pendant lights we bought from Lowes.  Red as an accent to our white/black/grey.

Hey, guess what?  MY electrical work is done!  My media hookups in the geek room for video game systems and PC connections.

I also started work on my wired network.  I've never run cables to a patch panel or terminated Cat6, but the process has gone smoothly.

DAY 114

Yesterday, a guy came out to paint the block on the outside of the house.  It looks OK.  Not a great job, but decent enough.  My dad also got most of the retaining wall completed.  We will build up the land around it and possibly put some nicer stone on the blank side.  It's a work-in-progress.

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