Friday, March 22, 2013

Loan Closed, Digging to Commence

Wow, I can't believe it's actually happening.

We went to the closing company yesterday to close on the loan.  We still had a lot of discrepencies with our payments, but we got it all sorted it.  The bank still screwed us by taking forever on processing the loan, so now our interest rate is slightly higher than what it should be and we had to pay about $1,000 more for closing costs than we should have.  My dad was super mad, but we just wanted to move on and get this thing started.  The man we worked with at the closing company was wonderful and explained everything in detail, so thankfully not everyone we've worked with is an idiot.

I immediately e-mailed Wayne Homes on the drive home and got a response before the drive was done that Jace, our contractor, set everything up for digging and we will be digging on Monday and putting the footers in on Tuesday and Wednesday!!

I can't believe it's finally happening and Becky and I are so excited.  Wayne Homes has been on point with everything and I expect nothing less as the actually building starts.

Massive amounts of pictures to come.


  1. Hang in there! We got the run around with our bank a few times too, both before closing and after construction was done, but Wayne Homes stuck by us and even called to badger them more than once. Dealing with the bank was pretty much the hardest part of the whole build!

  2. Hi there! I'm enjoying your blog! My husband and I are building with Wayne in Ohio. Right now we are having a hang up about the insurance. Our insurance underwriters won't give us the builders risk insurance with Wayne homes listed as an additional insured. Did you run into any problems with this? We are hoping to get it sorted out soon so we can move forward with closing!
