Friday, September 7, 2012

Being Optimistic

Hello out there!

This is Becky. I figured I could mention to you guys what we had hoped to get color wise for the kitchen/family room/sun room. I/we won't be talking prices yet, just discussing our ideas. I'll also be mentioning a few of our flooring ideas. These are just what we've got in mind, we havent actually gone to speak to Liliana, as JJ has so nicely decided to call her, yet about swatches and their color schemes and things. JJ and his parents are planning on going back to Liliana's to talk this coming Sunday, though I work then, so sadly I won't be able to attend the meeting. I'm sure afterwards JJ will come on and post about how the meeting went.  

At this time, we're only worrying about completely finishing the main rooms of our house, the one's our family members will see when they visit, so the Family Room/Kitchen, Sunroom, and also the half Bathroom that's to the side of the Kitchen.

So, for the Family Room/Kitchen/Sunroom walls, JJ and I were thinking of have the walls painted a smokey gray. The walls of his bedroom are the exact color we're thinking of. Sadly, I don't have the swatches I pulled with me, so I can't give an exact name, but i'm looking online as I type this and I think this matches somewhat closely. 

Once I get the swatches, I'll come back and fix this so everyone knows for sure. 

We also discussed the idea of having an accent wall, just one wall painted a different color than the rest. I think we've decided on the very back wall of the house as the accent wall. We wanted it a deep red. Also don't have those swatches with me, but here's what I thought of when we talked of "deep red".

(Cherry Tart)

(Red Velvet)

The first one seems a bit more brown to me, but those are the two I thought could work. 
Moving along, we'd like our cabinets to be black. Straight black. Pretty sure that we said we wanted raised fronts. I'm not a fan of flat fronts or anything set inward. 

For the flooring, we can't decide on a Distressed Maple (Black with hints of red), or Alpine Elm (white). We figured the white would look very nice with the dark walls and black cabinets. Personally, I think it could end up looking really great. But I'm also drawn to the Distressed Maple. I think the lighting would make the floor really pop, make it more eye catching. I'm also a tad concerned that the black cabinets would get, oh what's the word, lost (?) against the Maple flooring. It's kind of hard to picture either option, though, you know? 

Here's the Alpine Elm,
And here's the Distressed Maple (the internet really does it ZERO justice) I promise it isn't brownish like shown here,

Not a monumental post, but I really just wanted to share with you all! We're still, like JJ said before, in the VERY early stages of building our home, and we're both just really excited for this! I can't wait! And, if anyone out there has any opinions or thoughts on anything, please give us any and all the feedback you can! Maybe something that worked for you in your home, or something that ended up not working?

Thanks so much for taking the time to read, and hopefully you'll stick with us as this process really gets moving!

-Becky :)


  1. Hi Becky.
    Congrats on deciding to build. My wife and I just signed with Wayne yesterday. We're excited too. We've been told the only color choices you have for their standard paint colors are a few shades of beige. Or you can pay an "upgrade" to get colors. We've decided to let them paint in a light beige and we will go back later and paint over it to get the colors we want. If you tell them you will do all the painting, you also have to do other things like putty all the nail holes in the trim board and you have a timeline to get it completed in. It's their timeline - not yours. So we thought it made sense just to take a light beige that will cover easily.
    Hope this helps.

  2. Hiya Bill!
    Thanks, same to you! Eh, we really haven't sat down with them yet to talk bout color schemes, but I expected something like what you said, beige, and I'm sure the price for upgraded colors is obnoxious. Yeah, complying and letting them finish it seems like an easy/simple way to go. I'm pretty sure JJ and I are deciding to just do it ourselves, despite all the hard work that'll go into it. I think we'll be a lot more satisfied that way and we'll save some money, too! I really don't blame you for choosing the light beige, though. We're just looking to save. Thanks a lot, your comments are so appreciated!
