Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Digging And Picking

This week, we also started clearing trees on our property.  We want to get this done ASAP so that there is no delay in building.  We have just under half an acre, but there are so many freaking vines in these trees that it is making clearing them difficult.  Also, it's only my dad and I doing the work, so that'll make the job a lot longer.  Here are some pictures.

The first day of clearing.  We are going to try to leave the tree in front and some others.

We luckily own our own backhoe, which makes life much easier.

The end of day three of work.  Slowly, but surely.

Also, we are going back and forth on a lot of kitchen colors.  We are definitely going with black, most likely Onyx colors if you are looking.  We want a light countertop and are only going to get laminate for now.  The problem lies in the floor.  We feel like having a light floor will be much better since there won't be a lot of light in the kitchen, but we also loved the look of the Distressed Maple Salinas (I say "loved" because freaking Home Depot just stopped carrying it...).  Any suggestions on floor with black cabinets would be awesome!

I see you all reading the blog, so make some comments if you would like!!!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Congrats!
    Love the pics.
    Doing your own clearing will save you a nice chunk of $$$.

  3. Thanks, man! I'm super excited to get this going. The next few weeks/months will be painfully slow to me since it'll be all paperwork and whatnot. Big day for clearing land tomorrow!
