Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Signing On Many Dotted Lines

Big day number one happened yesterday!

My parents and I (Becky had class) went to sign papers for our new Jamestown.  When we got there, we first went over any last minute changes to the plan and came to our final price point.  We ended up having Wayne Homes paint for us, simply because we didn't want to go through the hassle and will pick a simple color that will be easy to paint over if need be.  We may just paint over the master bedroom and bath if we aren't happy with the initial color.  A few other things were added and removed, but shockingly, the final price was around $202K!!!!  I could have sworn it was going to be low 190's, and sure enough I found the error.  Liliana accidentally ADDED the incentives to our quote instead of taking them off.  Phew.  We got $6,600 worth of incentives, to swing our price down to $186,000.  I know this price is going to go up with little things, but we hope to reduce some of it initially by doing a lot of the work in the PPI ourselves.

Everyone was satisfied and my parents and I signed all of the papers!



  1. Hoping you still are notified about new comments here; I know it's been a few years since you started. We are just beginning our adventure, and the Jamestown is our favorite also. I was wondering what your base price was, as I know they are different in each area, sometimes by quite a bit. Our base is 173k in our area. I just wondered because we are interested in many of the same upgrades that you did.
    Thank you!

    1. Hi Sabrina!

      Unfortunately, I do not have my initial statement with me and I don't want to speak out of place. Feel free to email me with any other random questions you may have! jjveshio@gmail.com
