Friday, June 14, 2013

Ceiling Problem

Also, on Tuesday, the drywall guys came to work on the ceilings.  There was a massive amount of miscommunication between my family and Wayne Homes.  They asked us last year if we wanted a textured ceiling.  We said we wanted smooth.  It turns out WH does not do a smooth ceiling because it is just too hard to do because you will see the drywall seams.  Jace told us their "smooth" option is that they texture the ceiling and then run over it with a knife to create a dropdown knockout ceiling.  The way he was talking made it seem like it would be pretty smooth, but not perfect.  Well, I am not happy with the results...

I called Jace to express my concerns, but basically there is nothing I can do.  The drywall crew has since sanded everything and the ceilings have dried.  It seriously doesn't look as bad anymore as it does in the pictures, but I am still not very happy with it.  We'll see....

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