Thursday, June 27, 2013

Trim Installed

The last week has been about the trim being installed and starting on the paint.

Becky and I also picked out our appliances, bought a mattress and handles for the cabinets.  BYE BYE MONEY.  It kills me to pay so much for things, but I know we won't be spending so much money in the future for things, so it's fine.  These pictures were as of yesterday.  Almost done!

DAY 93

Woodland friends.

Almost all doors had door springs or stoppers up high.

Screens!!! No more bugs!!

The temporary stairs were removed and these were put in.  Finally!

I can't wait to see these painted and the glass exposed.  The door on the right doesn't close perfectly well, so we'll have to make note of that.

The basement now has a better banister and hand railing.  I can't wait to get this place cleaned up as it's very dirty and spider webs are starting to form.  NO THANKS.

The biggest eye-sore in the universe.  They have to put it on because of the dropoff outside of the sliding glass door.  My dad and I will build up the land outside there, but even if we don't immediately, I am taking this freaking thing down as soon as I get my keys.

Half wall above the sink capped off.  This could probably be a little lower, but I still like it.

Garage step put in.  Works for me.

Front door lock.  Some rooms had lockable doors, but I expected a few more/

1 comment:

  1. this is looking really good. Did you have a lot of money doing your own cabinets?
