Friday, June 14, 2013

Gutters On

Nothing crazy.  The gutters were put on on Wednesday.  Everything looks good.  We had a concern with the drywall crew as there was a very strong cigarette smoke smell upstairs.  I don't smoke, don't want to smoke and don't want to smell that crap in my house.  We told Jace and he took care of it.  Go him.

DAY 79

We put on the pipes coming out of the bottom.  WH does not do that.


  1. JJ, It's been our experience that the subs have little to no respect for our property and I understand your frustration with them smoking in your house. Ridiculous! I would push the ceiling texture issue as Jace was not entirely accurate. The drywall guys can do a smooth finish on your ceilings. It is quite expensive however and probably will show nail pops since the cheap subs they use primarily use nails and not many screws when they hang it. We are opting for the knockdown finish instead of the traditional stomp pattern. Your photos of the kncokdown they did look terrible. This was clearly someone who doesn't know how to do it. A good knockdown pattern is something you would love. Did any of the models you went to have a knockdown pattern? If so, I bet they looked much better and you should insist they redo yours to look like theirs! It's ridiculous they take your money for upgrades and then not deliver what you are paying for.

    1. Hey Bill. The ceiling honestly looks much better. From looking at pictures online, ours seems decent enough. I don't even really notice it much anymore. I still think things could be a little better, but Jace insists this is how they do it. He has been awesome with problems with the house and I think he would be honest if it wasn't good. I'm looking forward to seeing yours to see if ours are similar.

  2. Glad to hear it was more the picture and that in reality it is looking better. I don't doubt that whatever you are seeing is how they do it. From talking to my drywall guy, he said some guys are really good at it and others are not that good. They can be changed if you don't like them. It requires sanding them down and starting over. Jace won't want to deal with that mess of a job but this is your house and you have to live with it for a long time. If your spidey sense still tells you that it doesn't look right, now is a better time to address it than after your flooring gets in. We are getting something called "Treebark knockdown". Instead of the circle patterns you still see on yours, ours will all be pulled in one long direction. It should look awesome and only cost $65 more than standard knockdown. I've been assured by my drywall sub they look fantastic. But we shall see! Probably about 1.5 weeks away from the ceiling guy coming in.

  3. Bill, did you work that out with Wayne or with the drywall guys directly?
