Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Drywall Hung / Wires Run (Kind Of)

So, yeah, the drywall came.

My dad and I scrambled and got some insulation in, but despite what Jace said, the drywall crew came in on Friday and freaking knocked it out in a day and a half.  They worked so hard and tirelessly and did a heck of a job.  Friday it was all hung and Saturday they finished up the corners.

On Sunday, my dad and I tried running some wires we previously should have run.  We re-ran some wires in my media room and installed boxes like we should have weeks ago.  We then ran speaker wire to each bedroom through the attic.  That was actually pretty easy, but getting the speaker wire to the main floor, especially the sun room, will be a total pain in the butt and it is ENTIRELY MY FAULT.  I am going to kick myself for a long time for this.

DAY 66

Nicely delivered and set up in each room.

 DAY 67

DAY 69

In my media/geek room, I have a side break out panel/media bay that will allow me to plug in various video game systems or anything else for that matter and have it display on the TV in that room.  I just didn't want cords stretching across the room to play games, so this is a nice solution.  The boxes were installed post-drywall on Sunday.

Our completion date!  I actually do not think everything will be done by then because our cabinets and counter top may take a bit longer than we would like.

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