Sunday, June 9, 2013

Drywall Taped / Meeting With FM / Yard Clean Up

The drywall crew worked this week on taping and mudding the drywall.

On Thursday, Jace came out to meet with us and basically give us an outline of the rest of the road.  He predicts we will be in our home on July 23rd, which is freaking amazing!  The only delay may come with the installation of our counter top or some grading of the land, but we should be fine.

I didn't take many pictures of the taping, but it's all pretty much the same.  So far, so good.

DAY 72

 DAY 75 and 76

So, when my dad and I cleared our land, we had a massive amount of brush, branches and VINES.  SO MANY VINES.  We had a pile probably 30 ft in diameter and ten feet high.  We are lucky to know someone that has a woodchipper we could use.  My dad knows everyone, it seems.  He cleared a path on our adjacent property which will serve as a landing for the chipped wood.  Nice.  Anyways, we spent all day Saturday and today working and there is still a ton left.  I know things like this take time, but man...

Anyone see Fargo?

 He spread out the wood with the backhoe to make it easier to pull.

The pile is now doubled in width and height.  It actually didn't produce as much as I thought it would.

 What was left midday today.

The garage door is supposed to be here tomorrow or Tuesday and our cabinets are being delivered Wednesday and we will install them ourselves this coming weekend.  We are also trying to work a deal where we get the carpet and vinyl for the family room, kitchen and sun room, but not have it installed.  We will use it in the basement and install our own laminate flooring.  I loathe vinyl flooring.  Gotta go.  Season finale of Game of Thrones is on.  Maybe I'll put a House Lannister sign up somewhere in my house...

1 comment:

  1. Drywall looking good J.J.
    Sorry about your speaker wire headache.
    Wiring was definitely a big stress for me trying to plan for what wiring I might want in the future. At least we built a ranch so running something later is at least possible.
